Week in Review: October 17-22, 2022

Episode Format:

  1. Oklahoma Executes Benjamin Cole Via Lethal Injection (1:01)

  2. British Prime Minister, Liz Truss, Resigns After a Short Six-Week Tenure (9:15) *UPDATE: Rishi Sunak became Britain’s Prime Minister as of Wednesday, October 25, 2022

  3. House GOP Introduces Bill that Mimics Florida’s Don’t Say Gay Bill & Why it Won’t Pass (14:44)

  4. How To Vote & How to Get Ready for Midterm Elections (19:35)

Link to Sources below

Links to Sources:

Oklahoma Executes Benjamin Cole Via Lethal Injection

ABC News: US Supreme Court denies Oklahoma death row inmate’s appeal

Death Penalty Info: Lawyers for Mentally Ill Oklahoma Death-Row Prisoner Seek Clemency, Competency Trial

ABA: Oklahoma Federal Judge Declares Lethal Injection Drug Constitutional

CNN: Oklahoma executes Benjamin Cole for the murder of his 9-month-old daughter

ABC News: Oklahoma executes man convicted of killing infant daughter


British Prime Minister, Liz Truss, Resigns After a Short Six-Week Tenure

NBC News: British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after disastrous economic plan

Time: Here’s How a New U.K. Prime Minister Will be Selected

NPR: British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after weeks of criticism and turmoil


House GOP Introduces Bill that Mimics Florida’s Don’t Say Gay Bill & Why it Won’t Pass

Stop the Sexualization of Children Act

NPR: What’s in the so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill that could impact the whole country

The Hill: House GOP introduces bill cutting federal funds for ‘sexually oriented’ events for kids


How To Vote & How to Get Ready for Midterm Elections

ABC News: Early vote count surpasses ordinary midterm turnout

NCSL: States with No-Excuse Absentee Voting

ABC News: How do you register and vote in the midterms?)

CNN: Political mood tilts in Republicans’ favor with economy and inflation top of mind three weeks from midterms

Howto.Vote: A Guide to Voting in Your State

US Embassy: What are midterm elections, and why are they important?


Week in Review: October 24-30, 2022


Week in Review: October 10-16, 2022